Parents Corner
Expectations for Parents
The only way our club is able to keep practice fees affordable is by depending on our families to volunteer their help. It also makes participation more enjoyable, because we all invest time in the team and get to know the families and swimmers in the process. All parents of active swimmers are expected to contribute to putting on our swim meets. There are many jobs: set-up, timing, concession booth, deck attendants, head timers, time clock/computer operation, etc.
There are additional jobs that come up over the course of the season, including helping plan team parties, our 4th of July parade, fundraising, booth attending for Old Bill’s Fun Run, helping manage databases, and other duties. We encourage you to share your strengths and knowledge with us - do you have great computer skills? Database experience? Design skills? Retail experience? Fundraising knowledge? Are you a great photographer? Great people skills? Like to set up equipment? We want your expertise!
The Stingrays Board meetings are open to all member parents/guardians. Members are encouraged to attend. We are always looking for new ideas and fresh takes. Meeting Dates, times and locations are posted under the
Board Meetings and Agenda tab.
Nutrition and Sports
Youth Sports Podcast
The Way of the Champion
Reformed Sports Project
Meet Expectations
All swimmers will be registered for any “home” meet, which will be billed separately, and are strongly encouraged to compete. Expectations for attendance at away meets will be based on levels. Levels 1 and 2 must compete at the home meets. Level 3 is expected to compete at 4 total meets, Level 4 is expected to compete at 5 total meets, and Level 5 is expected to compete at 6 total meets over the course of the 2023-24 swim year.
Parent Guide To Team & Meet
Registration + Safe Sport Certification
All registrations for participation in practice groups and meets for the Jackson Hole Stingrays must be done electronically using Active Works
For the Parent User Guide to help find information about Active Registration
Safe Sport Certification Training Instructions

Swimming Glossary
A & B meet - unlike a regular qualifying time meet, an A & B meet allows participation without a qualifying (or “A”) time. “B” meet participants do not score points, but often “B” swimmers achieve their qualifying times during these meets!
Age-Group - competition levels broken down by age, commonly 8 & Under, 10 & Under, 11-12, 13-14, 15-16, 17 & Up.
DQ - Disqualified. Sometimes young swimmers think this means Dairy Queen! But it actually indicates that a swimmer was doing something incorrectly in an event during competition.
Dual - swim meets where two swim clubs compete.
IM - Individual Medley. This is a competition event that requires the swimmer to perform each of the four strokes in this order: Butterfly, Backstroke, Breaststroke, Freestyle.
Invitational - swim meet that include multiple swim clubs.
Length vs Lap - One length is one time across the pool. One lap is two lengths.
LSC - Local Swimming Committee (Wyoming Swimming for us).
Medley Relay: Four swimmers on a team, each swims one of the four strokes in this order: Backstroke, Breaststroke, Butterfly, Free. The Medley Relay starts with backstroke because it cannot be started from a starting block.
Short Course - either 25 yard or 25 meter pool
Long Course - 50 meter pool
LCM - long course meters; refers to pool length in time standards and swimmers’ time records.
Mixed - Swim meets are usually broken down by gender and age, although some meets are swum “mixed” meaning boys and girls swim the same events. Mixed relays include boys and girls on the same relay team.
Open - All ages swim together in the meet, though final times are most often compared by gender and age group.
Qualifying Times (QTimes) - minimum time needed in an event to qualify for a higher level of competition, usually for championships, sometimes for invitation-only meets.
SCY - short course yards; refers to pool length in time standards and swimmers’ time records.
SCM - short course meters; refers to pool length in time standards and swimmers’ time records.
Sectionals - like Zones, but have even faster qualifying times.
Zones - also known as Zone Championships. Zones is the next level of competition after State Championships and requires faster qualifying times. Age group Zones is for swimmers 12 & Under where swimmers are scored within their age group. Senior Zones is open to swimmers 19 & Under without separate age group scoring. Wyoming is in the Western Zone and competes against swimmers from AK, AZ, CA, CO, HI, ID, MT, NM, NV,OR, UT